The use of several pesticides may cause severe health ill-effects when exposed for large amount of times. For this reason the European Union has started to effectively control the use of such substances, while even banning many of these from the market. Since 2009 law enforcement in EU member states have been stepped up, with the local authorities sampling several areas for the use of such pesticides.
According to L.N. 116 it is also important for water suppliers to check their water supplies for several pesticides due to the possibility of seepage from nearby fields. Any pesticides found in high quantities may render the source unusable. Thus it is imperative that testing for such organic compounds is carried out regularly in order to prevent over use resulting in enforcement notices to be issued.
Pesticide analysis is normally rather straightforward and will only require small amounts of testing material, be it fruit, vegetables or any other matrix. Analysis may be in the form of quantitative testing or even simpler qualitative analysis. The use of GC-MS technology will render the results to be accepted by the courts as results are normally conclusive and
very accurate.
It is highly recommended that you contact us for further information as regards pesticides analysis.